Z-omo: digital media

Web Site Accessibility Information

This website has been built to provide a more accessible website to people with disabilities. Following the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 1.0 from the W3C World Wide Web Consortium the website HTML code and structure complies with the HTML5 (HTML/XHTML polyglot) web standard and has at least passed accessibility checks to WCAG 1.0 (Level AA).

Access keys.

Most browsers support jumping to specific link destinations by typing in predefined characters via the computer's keyboard or other character generating input device.

The following access keys are available for this site's content.
Access key:Destination:
1Z-omo Home.
2All about Z-omo
4Z-omo working methods and about best practice.
0Website Accessibility Information.
9Contact details and online contact form.
rDetails on our privacy policy.

Access controls for the most widely used browsers:

  • Chrome:
    On MS Windows, Alt + access key.
    On Mac OS X, Ctrl + Alt + access key.
  • Firefox:
    On MS Windows, Shift + Alt + access key.
    On Mac OS X, Ctrl + access key.
  • Internet Explorer:
    Alt + access key (which will place focus on the associated hyper-link) followed by the Enter key.
  • Opera:
    Shift + Esc (which will display list of available access keys) followed by acces key.
  • Safari:
    On MS Windows, Alt + access key.
    On Mac OS X, Ctrl + Alt + access key.